If you want peace of mind, then get rid of poisonous people in your life. But how do you know the symptoms of poisonous people around you?

If you are reading this, then you are awake to see the people around you who are not necessary in your life. But there may be some people you are not sure about. Well, how can you tell poisoned people to your real friends? Understanding the symptoms of poisonous people



This is where I came in. I had many friends, but now, I can give my friends names on both hands. He was after a huge cleaning. Sometimes you just have to do this. Now your time is cleaned up and surrounded with people who really care. [Read: How to tell the difference between real and fake friends]

13 symptoms of toxic people who should not be overlooked

Most of us do not know that we have toxic friends around us until we reach the rock bottom or experience great success. This happens when their real colors come out. It may be that your friends are not there when you need the most or when there is something positive with you that are not helpful.

Why? Well, first off, they did not really care about you. Second, they do not want their focus to change. What can I say, toxic people suck. But these symptoms are common to them.

# 1 They never apologize Toxic people never apologize ... why would they be? It's never their fault. If no one ever asks for forgiveness for their actions, then they never see their actions as flaws. They refuse to accept their mistakes, and when you listen to their opinions, they are quick with an excuse and are always successful in flipping the issue and making their own problems instead of their problems. [Read: Understand how people use emotional manipulation]

# 2 They lie ... a lot. If you feel that someone is poisonous, then see how honest they are. Generally, toxic people always lie to defects and meditation. The worst part, you can really see the condition of a person and then they can lie completely about it. They do not care, they are not embarrassing, and they certainly can not be trusted. [Read: How a pathological liar can lie to you and lie to you]

# 3 need them to pay attention 24/7. Maybe you have a terrible day and need to talk to someone today. Well, they are not the ones you should turn on. Instead of listening to you, they need to pay attention to you all the time. If not, they will either become more dramatic and emotional, or simply move on from you and be on search for someone else.

# 4 They like to do justice. When you are around them, you feel that you are under a microscope. They look forward to judging every step you take. Whether it is clothing, love life, career, or body, they are the ones who criticize you. Sadly, this does not help you move forward; Instead, their sound gets stuck in your head and pulls you back. They get away from the fact that you are holding back.

# 5 They do very high school. You could leave high school years ago, but when you are around them, it seems that you never left. Every word that comes out of their mouths is gossip, in fact, they have nothing to say besides this. Talking bad about other people, this is what they are fueling. If you think that you are in high school, then that is because you are around them. [Read: 25 start warning signs of a poisonous friend you can not remember]

# 6 They have issues of ego. With toxic people, they think that the whole world revolves around them. That's why they hang with you, because you feel them big. See, they think that they are the best thing to walk on this earth, they are better than you, are looking better, more talented? Wrong, this is what they think.

# 7 They are never compatible That's it, if you are looking for one of the most attractive properties of toxic people, then it is that you really do not know what they are thinking. One day they tell you one thing and the next day, this is something different. Their opinion depends on who they are with and what they want. Their dishonesty is not something you want around you.

# 8 They talk to you. You may have a good issue, but they will not let you say this. Instead, they are going to stop you and talk to you. In this way, they ensure that the spotlight shines on them and you do not say anything that enables you to look smart, fun, or better. [Read: 15 ways to find selfish people and prevent them from harming you]

# 9 They are abusive. Now, this does not mean that they are going to kill you, we are not talking about physical abuse, but they are definitely emotionally and mentally abusive. If you are feeling terrible while hanging with them and you suspect yourself then this person is abusive. Myself

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